Broken to Blessed

Breaking Curses and Building Blessings: A Conversation with Le'Keshia Atchison

December 06, 2023 Michelle Hall Season 2 Episode 19

What does it look like when trauma, heartbreak, and faith collide? Today, I have the honor of hosting Le'Keshia Atchison, who is here to share her journey of transformation and the healing power of the Holy Spirit. Le'Keshia, also known as 'I Am Creative Words', opens up about a childhood tainted with sexual abuse, abandonment, and rejection, and how these tribulations took her down a path paved with brokenness. However, through the power of the Holy Spirit, she found solace and a way to turn her pain into blessings.

Suffering from disassociation, with the scars of narcissistic abuse still fresh, Le'Keshia’s story is a testament to the strength of the human spirit. She talks about her fight to overcome these challenges, and how, with the help of the Holy Spirit, she managed to break generational curses and discover her true identity. A spoken word artist and author, her experiences have led her to write a trilogy and two children's books in just one year. These books aren't just a reflection of her healing process; they are an inspiration to those who have faced similar traumas.

In the third chapter of our conversation, Le'Keshia reveals her upbringing in a family rife with witchcraft and her struggles with promiscuity. She shares how these experiences shaped her, leading her to join the Navy and continue her destructive behavior patterns. Opening up about her same-sex marriage, Le'Keshia tells how it played a key role in breaking free from these patterns. Throughout the conversation, she emphasizes the crucial role of self-awareness and taking responsibility for one's actions. In the end, you'll find yourself inspired by a woman who has turned her painful past into a beacon of hope for others. The story of Le'Keshia Atchison is a powerful testament to the transformative power of the Holy Spirit, and the potential within each of us to transform our brokenness into blessings.
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Michelle Hall:

My guest today tells her intricate story of sexual abuse, abandonment, rejection, promiscuity and same-sex marriage that eventually led her to an experience with the Holy Spirit. Tune in to hear how she came to write several books that took her on a journey of self-discovery. This is Broken to Bless, a podcast for women survivors of childhood sexual abuse. I am your host, Michelle Hall. I am a certified Christian Life Coach and I am also a survivor of childhood sexual abuse and for many years I felt broken because of that experience. But thank God for his blessings, he pulled me out of brokenness and into blessings, hence the name of the podcast, and I want the same for you. Hilly, is possible. If you're willing to do the work, let's get started. Hello, esteemed ones, my special guest today is Le'Keshia Atchison, also known as I Am Creative Words.

Michelle Hall:

Le'Keshia is a spoken word artist and an author who has written four books over the past year. Two books are for adults, which are part of a trilogy, and two books are for children. Today she tells her story of a chaotic, abusive and tumultuous childhood that led her to leave home at the age of 16. At 19 years old, she joined the Navy, where she served for 15 years. As a result of her childhood. She had a void, an empty place that she tried to fill with sex, but she found out that sex could not give her what she truly needed. Let's get into her story now. , welcome to the Broken to Bless podcast.

Le'Keshia Atchison:

Thank you. Thank you, it's a blessing to be here. I'm honored, yes.

Michelle Hall:

So I want to talk with you today about several things, but I'm going to start with where you are now and what you're involved in. I know that you are an author and you are a spoken word artist. Can you tell me how you came to be those things?

Le'Keshia Atchison:

Okay, About a year ago, the Holy Spirit sat me down and he instructed me to write. He had me quit my job. I literally I lost everything. He took everything from me which worked out for my good Romans 8:28. But when he sat me down and he instructed me to write, I thought he wanted me to write one book, and that one book turned into three and then turned into two more. So and then, as well as being a spoken word artist, and then he blessed me with the name I am creative words.

Le'Keshia Atchison:

So all those, the books, the two books that is written out for adults right now is "Writing your Way Through Breakthrough. Broken is the first installment and that's pretty much the first part of that year that he sat me down, the healing that he had me go through with my childhood trauma and narcissistic abuse, my promiscuous days and so on and so forth, and then with pieces of me, which is the second installment, "riting your Way Through Breakthrough. That is about him taking the time, his time, and piecing me back together and filling the holes within myself. That was put there through generational curses and with that sense that came about the spoken word. It was like the, and I hadn't written in like over 20 years, like in man. It blew me away for him to even tell me to write and to even have these books that's pouring out of me now.

Le'Keshia Atchison:

And then also with that, he had me write two children's books. The first one's called "A Twinkle Mystery, a Tell of the Holy Trinity, that's in regards to Psalms 23. And then, "Through Abba's Eyes, a Child's Perspective, is based on Galatians 5:22 and 23, the Fruits of the Spirit displaying those. So that's how I became what I am right now by being led by the Holy Spirit and surrendering my life to Him.

Michelle Hall:

Okay, how awesome is that. So you said that your book is a series or a trilogy. Yes, ma'am.

Le'Keshia Atchison:

What is the third book? The third installment is going to be called "One Is in God.

Michelle Hall:

That's going to be the third installment. And when you expect that to be out.

Le'Keshia Atchison:

That one is going to be out March 31st of 2024.

Michelle Hall:

That's when it will be.

Le'Keshia Atchison:


Michelle Hall:

All right. Well, I will be certain to put your contact information, your website and all of that information into the show notes for anyone who would like to check those out. Yes, ma'am, so I'd like to get some information or, if you you know, whatever you want to share with my listeners about the content of the books. And how did you, what is your life experience that led to those books?

Le'Keshia Atchison:

Oh, my, okay. So the content of those books? I'm going to be 100% honest and transparent with you. Like, when he told me to write, I did not think that the Lord was talking about me pouring myself out onto the books. I thought I was writing it to help someone else and I mean, granted, that's exactly what it was for, but I didn't think it was for myself too. So it was like, you know, I was just with the whole process of how he even takes me, takes me through it.

Le'Keshia Atchison:

I have no idea what I'm writing before. Like, I just grab a piece of paper and a pen and I'm sitting there and I'm waiting on the Holy Spirit to instruct me on what to do, and then he'll leave me. Like he has this thing with me. With the alphabet, we will use, like, say, for example, the letter A, and then we'll go through all the words of A, and then I'll be like, okay. Or I'll go to the letter and I'll be like, okay, holy Spirit, highlight to me the words you want me to use, and he will do so, and then it's a whole bunch of words on a piece of paper and then we'll go through that and then it forms into what it forms into.

Le'Keshia Atchison:

So it's a step by step process and it's about and I guess that's why in the beginning I didn't realize that it was about myself, because of what was being poured onto the paper, because when you're being used as an earthly vessel it's like you really really take yourself out of it and it's just the Holy Spirit. So that's why I didn't make that connection at first, that I was that girl in that story or in the stories of broken from asking a child's cry that's one of the spoken words that's in my book. Broke me is another spoken word that's in my book. The purge, my broke through operation All those are different spoken words that are in the book that represent different phases and different parts of my life that the Lord helped heal and deliver me from.

Michelle Hall:

Wow, that's very interesting. Yes, ma'am, interesting. So at what point did you realize that it was you in the story?

Le'Keshia Atchison:

The second installment, when pieces of me came out, because I don't know if it's with the narcissistic abuse that I've been through in my life from my biological parents, the rejection and the abandonment, the molestation, the childhood traumas, it really gave me a disassociation aspect to a lot of things.

Le'Keshia Atchison:

So I did not really know how to celebrate my small wins, how to celebrate my accomplishments and stuff like that, because validation was something that was not really really given to me like that. All the credit for the work and stuff that was done by the Lord blessing me, it was taken by other people. So I didn't quite get that at first, until the second book, until Dad, the Holy Spirit, Abba, Father, sat me down, was like no, look and see what you've done, look and see what we partnered on and look how far you've actually come. You have really grown, my daughter. You have really. You know what I'm saying. Put me first in your life and put your faith in me and put your trust in me, and this is where you come through, because you've done that, because you've trusted in me wholeheartedly.

Michelle Hall:

Oh, that's very interesting, very insightful. So share with my listeners some of that experience with the narcissistic abuse with your family and the molestation and all those types of things that you are referencing in the book.

Le'Keshia Atchison:

Okay, Well, the molestation part is not really more so in here. That's going to come out in a later series that he asked me working on. That one is called "Incorrect Identification. That's a three-part series as well. The first one is called Born, Raised and Living in God. That book, that series, is really going to dig deep and dive into the molestation, is really going to dive into the narcissistic abuse, is really going to dive into the trauma.

Le'Keshia Atchison:

The spoken word " Your Way Through Breakthrough, W "writing . That's really about building faith and confidence and trust in Jesus Christ and knowing that he's going to do exactly what he says he's going to do. We need to believe that because in order for you to even get your breakthrough, you have to believe that first. You have to believe the Word of God first, because if not you have nothing else to stand on. So that's what that book is pretty much about.

Le'Keshia Atchison:

But with that I do tell stories of my addiction. I do tell stories and my addiction came from being molested and I was molested at the age of three by my female cousin. That was revealed to me around the age of 22 when I was going to therapy. I was going to worldly therapy, but the Holy Spirit was still speaking to me and he was still telling me and he rebuild it to me. And when I told my biological mother about it, she rejected it. She was like, no, that didn't happen, Just that. And the third, and so on and so forth. And, mind you, I was three years old. I remember, like I had on overalls, I had on a T-shirt. I remember holding her hand and I remember her walking me down the long hallway into the room where it was just a bed, and I did it from that part and I thank you, Holy Spirit, for blocking the rest of that out by the grace of God, but from that part, that part was blacked out. And then the next thing I remember I was getting up and I'm putting my clothes and stuff back on.

Le'Keshia Atchison:

So what happened in between and I'll honestly, I'm not 100% sure, and I thank God because even with that deliverance, that was a whole oh my gosh, that was a whole process was in itself. I lay down on the floor. I oh my gosh I cried. I cried because it really didn't hit me, you know, Because it was once when I called my biological mother and to tell her about it, like I had gotten this revelation at 22 and she rejected it. It was like, well, did I make it up, Mind you? Again, I said I was in the world. Did I make it up, Did I, you know?

Le'Keshia Atchison:

I started to second guess myself and then it wasn't till a year ago, over a year ago, when I got into the Holy Spirit, till he sat me down and I start listening to him and I start writing where he brought that to my remembrance, like no, this is what really happened to you, my child. This is really. We have to purge this about you. This was buried in you for so long. I have to uproot this about you. And that led me to also my promiscuous life, which was breaking generational curses off of my bloodline, not only from my biological mother, but from my biological grandmother as well, on my mother's side. So it's from all of what this is with the writing and how the Lord has been using me. It's just been, I've just been breaking generational curses off, one step at a time, with him continuously leading me.

Michelle Hall:

That is awesome, because we know that these curses exist in our bloodlines and at some point someone has to be the one to stop it, and I think that's great. That's awesome that you were able to do that. With the help of the Holy Spirit. He will reveal things to us, and I can relate completely with having memories blacked out, where you remember bits and pieces, and I fully believe that is the work of the Holy Spirit to protect us for what we really can't handle. So that's part of my experience as well, even though I was older when I had that experience. But to this day, there are just things that I can't remember and I don't want to Right right, I know enough to know that it happened and I don't need the details, I don't need every nook and cranny of what happened, and I'm thankful for that experience as well, for having those things not fully present in my mind and in my heart. So, yeah, so at three years old, yes, ma'am, wow. And so you had no recollection of that until you were 22?.

Le'Keshia Atchison:

Yes, ma'am. Yes, ma'am, Because I'm a US Navy vet, 15 year, and I was stationed in San Diego on board the USS Carl Vinson and that ship had 5,000 people and I was under. I didn't know it at the time, but I was under a lot of spiritual warfare because I started having back problems. I started having like all kinds of elements and stuff happened to me and I mentally and I worked in the medical field mentally I was mentally broken down, I was mentally drained, I wanted to commit suicide. So my senior chief at that point in time he was like I need you to go talk to somebody. I need you to go. You know what I'm saying. Get this off.

Le'Keshia Atchison:

Because I thought I grew up thinking crying was a weakness Cause. So that happened to me at three. And then when at 12, my biological mother was shot, and when she got shot it was kind of like everything, because she was in the church, she was a missionary, but everything just kind of just fell apart and everything, when it fell apart, it fell onto my shoulders. So I'm 12 years old, I'm taking care of the house, I have an older brother who's three years older than me. That's a whole another story within itself. But at 12 years old I was taking care of the whole house, and so when I never learned how to process things because it was when she got shot she just locked herself in that room and that that's just what it was. And when I even talked to her later, she even told me. She even told me that she no longer knew how to be a mother. So that really hit me.

Le'Keshia Atchison:

When I'm sitting here, I'm 12, I'm trying to navigate, I'm trying to get this done, trying to run this house still trying to go to school, trying to do all these things, and I was like I'm not going to go to school, I'm going to do all these things and you're telling me you don't know how to be a mother. I have an older brother who's not helping, who's not doing anything, and so I never knew how to process my feelings and it was no crying and stuff like that in my house. It was plenty of fighting, plenty of fighting by all means, but there was no crying. So vulnerability was not something that was taught. So when I got into the military looking for a second family because my biological father the first time I met him I was 12, the second time I met him I was 18.

Le'Keshia Atchison:

That was another rejection, again in regards to generational curses. It's like a double whammy that was coming towards me, and the best way that my senior chief knew for me not spiritually was for me to go to a therapist. And I was sitting here dealing with all these things and all these emotions and when I went, that's what was revealed. So it was, yeah, it was worldly, yes, but it should have been spiritually. That would probably would have unlocked a lot more, because the mother wound, the father wound, the family wound, was too very deep within and I didn't know how to handle it without Jesus Christ.

Michelle Hall:

Wow, that's a lot. That's a lot. So what happened? As a result of your mother being shot and you taking on the weight of bearing the household? At some point there was a change that came about.

Le'Keshia Atchison:

Yeah, my first nephew was born at 16, when I was 16 years old. That was a change for me Because I had made a promise to my brother when I was five that whoever has kids first we will use and we will be there and we will help take care of them. Like I told you before, there was a lot of fighting and stuff like that and my brother at that time he was in prison, so I felt like it was my responsibility to help take care of his kids. So then he ended up getting out and he had another kid and then he had three.

Le'Keshia Atchison:

So that was the change for me, because I didn't feel like I really had a reason to really live, because I felt like I was a slave. I felt like I was somebody's footstool and I felt because I was just running. I was running around like a chicken with my head cut off, because I didn't have support. Like I said, my biological mother said that she didn't know how to be a mother anymore. So I'm sitting up here needing something, wanting something to live for, to give, to have some type of attachment and love for and because I wasn't receiving it. So that was a change for me when my nephews were born. It gave me a different drive and again worldly thinking, not thinking. Let me turn to Jesus Christ, because I wasn't thinking that it was all trying to fill the holes within my own mind, because that's what I was conditioned for.

Michelle Hall:

So you said that your mother was a missionary. Yes, ma'am, yes, ma'am. So what was your relationship with God and Jesus and the Holy Spirit as a child or as a youth?

Le'Keshia Atchison:

Well, I can tell you this I didn't know the Holy Spirit was the Holy Spirit. Like, I was like, like, like, help me, holy Spirit with this, because I don't want to say anything incorrectly but I did, like you, learn that it is the Holy Trinity, but you don't really, it's not really taught that there are really three individuals, that they all have three separate functions, like it's really the Father, it's really the Son and it's really the Holy Spirit. None of these things were taught until I sat, the Holy Spirit sat me down a year ago. The things that I know now, that was all taught by the Holy Spirit.

Le'Keshia Atchison:

It was not taught when I was younger and I'm 38 years old now, like it was. I was not taught when I was younger and that's why I did not know to call on the name of Jesus. I didn't know it was as powerful as it was. I didn't know that his blood is as powerful as it is. You know what I mean. I didn't know those things because if I did, I would have done it a long time ago in my life, a long time ago.

Michelle Hall:

Wow, well, we don't know what we don't know, and I believe things are revealed in its proper timing.

Le'Keshia Atchison:

Yes, ma'am.

Michelle Hall:

And I also believe that the experiences that we have in life, especially as children, are meant to equip us for our purpose and for our mission in life. Although it may seem unfair, it may seem, you know. People may think, well, why did this happen to me? Why did I go through this? But I think a lot of the experiences that we have are meant to build us up to help the kingdom.

Le'Keshia Atchison:

Yes, ma'am.

Michelle Hall:

And it took me a long time to realize that personally for myself, and I think that's the case for a lot of people. So at what point? Okay, so you're 16 and you have a nephew born, and then you have more. What happened with your mother?

Le'Keshia Atchison:

I moved out when I was 16 years old she okay so when I was 12, she was married at the time and the truth behind the story because I have no shame in this the truth behind the story was, as she was a missionary, she cheated on her husband. Her boyfriend was the one that shot her because she wouldn't leave her husband. That's the truth behind the story. And we ended up as myself and my brother, we ended up telling a lie. So from the time of 12 on up, it was not as I happened. They robbed the store and they just so happened to shoot her kind of thing.

Le'Keshia Atchison:

You know what I'm saying the devil tricking you to carry that guilt, to carry that shame, and so on and so forth. Thank you, lord, for delivering me from that. But she, literally she just dove into darkness and she still at that point when I was 12 years old. She has not moved past that point at all. She dove deeper and deeper into the Marine Kingdom. She has been from man to man and that's what she's still doing. She literally took the position that my grandmother held as a high priestess in the witchcraft, literally.

Michelle Hall:

So now your mother is into witchcraft. Is that what you're saying?

Le'Keshia Atchison:

She's been in , my family, the bloodline is huge in the witchcraft. And again, these are all things that was being revealed to me during this year timeframe, a lot of things that I saw as a kid. I saw the manipulation with men, like my biological grandmother she had nine kids and was never married. Nine kids were never married. My biological mother she's been married six, seven times already. So that, right, there is a generational curse, romiscuity p he t he t tthat's a generational curse.

Le'Keshia Atchison:

So when I lost my virginity when I was 16, I moved out because when she got married again, like I said, it was a lot of fighting and I was a peacemaker. I'm like, no, you don't need to fight, you don't need to argue, you guys just calm down and talk about it. And punches got thrown and I'm 14 years old. This was two years of battling, two years. And I'm 14 years old and I'm fighting. A grown man, six, threes, a grown man no, ma'am, I did that for two years and I was like I can't do it anymore. It's either him or it's me. And she chose him. I packed my stuff and I left and I went to go stay with a friend and I pretty much I was house hopping ever since then. I never lived with my mother for that amount of time frame, ever again. So at what point did you go into the Navy? I went into the Navy when I was 19.

Michelle Hall:

Okay, and you were in the Navy for how long? 15 years. Well, thank you for your service.

Le'Keshia Atchison:

Thank you. Thank you for your support.

Michelle Hall:

Yes, I am a former military spouse of a soldier who served for 26 years, so I am very much involved in the military lifestyle. So you talked about some promiscuity that you engaged in. Would you like to share more about that and where that led you to?

Le'Keshia Atchison:

Yes, ma'am, again, generation of curses deeper into the Marine Kingdom. So people always say guilty by association. I had a lot of friends that chose to do what they wanted to do at an early age, but that was never in my thing. I had friends that lost their virginity at 12, at 13, at 14, at 15 years old. I didn't lose my virginity when I was 16, and that was just a choice that I made because I wanted to be loved, I wanted to feel loved, and again because I hadn't felt any, and so I did not know, once you open up that door, what comes with it.

Le'Keshia Atchison:

And what came with it was, oh my gosh, was the spirit of lust out of nowhere and he just kind of just took over and I went from having one sexual partner to two, to 10, to plus to plus to well off, into three digits now. So that didn't stop until I got married to my same-sex marriage, and in that promiscuity that increased once I joined the military, because it's like it was an open market, it was free game and that was very much so being promoted. So I dove into men, I dove into women and again, that is something else that is on my bloodline. It was broken, and that did not stop until I got married. And then that was what was what mom was saying. That was June of 2014. And I joined the Navy July of 2005. So I had a lot of years to roam and terrorize and to just be a terrible Jezebel. Horrible, I was terrible.

Michelle Hall:

Well, you know, it's good that you are very self-aware and that you know that you take ownership of that. Yes, ma'am, because a lot of people don't do that. A lot of people wanna kind of, you know, just slide that under the rug, and you know, well, I'm not gonna tell that part of the story. So I appreciate your transparency and all that you're sharing with my listeners and with me, and so, if I heard you correctly, you married in 2014?.

Le'Keshia Atchison:

Yes, ma'am, yes, ma'am, I met my ex-wife in June of 2013. We talked, and let me tell you that story. So, when I got down with the therapist in San Diego because this is right before I went, I was stationed in Guam. I was in San Diego from May of 2010 to May of 2013. And I ended up going to go see the therapist in December and, in this timeframe, in my car now mine, in my car now I call my biological mother, trying to mend our relationship Because, mind you, I hadn't talked to her, I was done when I left. So, being her, we had it heart to heart, we talked and I thought that we were on the same page. I thought that there was an understanding there in regards to our relationship. And it wasn't. It wasn't at all. So when I left San Diego, I had said to the Lord I said I need my life to change, I need you to come into my life and I need you to fix it, because I'm literally at my last string and I want to kill myself. This is literally what I told him and this is before I went to Guam. I flew out there to Guam.

Le'Keshia Atchison:

When I touched down in Guam, I was sitting in my hotel room because when you first arrive at a duty station, it's like this whole process is inboard, inboarding process and stuff like that you got to do. So I'm at the hotel, I'm at the Navy exchange or the Navy Lodge excuse me, not the Navy exchange but I'm at the Navy Lodge and I'm just sitting there and I'm like Lord, what do you want me to do? I'm trying to be different, I'm trying to be better. I want to be a better person. I need to be a better person and I ended up getting on Facebook, I get on Lesbian Love and Advice and I'm scrolling. I'm scrolling for hours because the flight was already 14 and a half hours flight from San Diego to Guam. So I'm scrolling for hours and it was three pictures that popped up, and that third picture was my ex-wife and her picture was highlighted to me. It really was. I can't tell you why it was really, really highlighted, but it was and so I sent out three emails to those ladies and she was the one that responded and when we started talking, it was like the best conversation I've ever had in years. It was like a breath of fresh air and we talked about God, we talked about different things and so on and so forth.

Le'Keshia Atchison:

So it's like a lot of people say that, oh God can't use lesbians, he can't use anybody, he can use a donkey. The guy would use the foolish things of the earth. And, in all honesty, I did not stop having sex as much as I did until I got married. So it was almost like the Lord sent me her because I wasn't receiving a man at all because of my childhood. You couldn't get me to get into nothing like that with no man, because it was like no, my defense is already, I'm going to fight you because I don't know how you're gonna come at me. I didn't know anything else. So when we got into that marriage again God and being led and taking it step by step and this is where I am today because of that that marriage really did break a lot of things. As demonic as everybody may make it seem or think, it is, no, that marriage really saved my life. It led me right into the hands of the Lord.

Michelle Hall:

Very interesting. Now, no judgment in this question. Yes, ma'am, you're saying that that relationship led you to where you are now, which is living for the Lord. Yes, ma'am, 100%. So I guess my question is how do you personally reconcile a same-sex marriage with the Word and the Bible? Like I said, there's no judgment, it's simply a question, or do you not?

Le'Keshia Atchison:

No, ma'am, I don't reconcile the Word. The Word is the Word. Like the rainbow stands for the promise. That's exactly what it stands for. It doesn't stand for pride Period. But what I'm saying is that the Lord does things in his own way. His thoughts are not our ways. His ways are not our ways. That was just the way that he used me. He did it for me. I'm not saying he's doing it for everybody. I'm not saying I'm not going against the Word of God Absolutely not. I will never do that. I'm just saying that's what happened for me. That's what I'm saying. Yes, ma'am, okay.

Michelle Hall:

Fair enough. Like I said, no judgment, just a question. Yes, ma'am.

Le'Keshia Atchison:

Yes ma'am.

Michelle Hall:

Okay. So where are you now, or where do you feel like you are, in your healing journey from all that you missed in your childhood, the damage that you experienced as far as not feeling loved, the rejection of your father and your mother. Where do you feel like you are now? I feel like you are now.

Le'Keshia Atchison:

Well, I'm in a much, much better place, mind you, like I said before, I said ex-wife we are no longer together. I'm in a place now of finding who Leakisha is Like. My whole life, I've been called Kisha. I haven't been called my proper name, my biological father, because I only have one daddy, and that's my heavenly daddy. But my biological father, he doesn't even know how to spell my name On my birth certificate. My name is not even correct. So I'm learning who she is, which is something I never learned, something I never got to experience. So that's why I'm at in my healing journey now and I'm standing 10 toes down on it.

Michelle Hall:

How are you doing that? How are you learning about who you are?

Le'Keshia Atchison:

Because the Lord with let me see, help me how to. How can I put that? Like I'm just listening to him in the secret place. I'm staying at his feet, I'm constantly surrendering myself to him daily. I do mean daily, because when you are breaking off generational curses, the spirits are looking for a doorway to come back in, and once you get rid of one, it's seven more that's coming, which is why I'm so protective about my boundaries and stuff.

Le'Keshia Atchison:

Now the Lord has shown me how to have boundaries with his word, because that's what I'm standing on now. You can't move me from that. I will be, be steadfast and unmovable and always abiding in his words. And that's where he has me at now. And, like I told you in our first initial interview, he's even showing me my God or day and spouse, which is a man, and he told me oh my, he is coming, the Holy Spirit is going to present himself to me and that he's going to feel those holes in me that my parents didn't give to me, that my brother didn't give to me. That's needed.

Le'Keshia Atchison:

So I understand why I was born. I understand why I went through the things that I've went through and because before it was just a big question mark. Why did this happen to me? Why did this? Why did that? Why, why, why? Why you don't love me, why you don't like on the Will Smith when I'm on Fresh Prince of Berlare, why he don't want me no more. You understand? That's literally how I've felt my entire life, up until a year ago.

Michelle Hall:

Amazing. Yes, ma'am. So what's next for you?

Le'Keshia Atchison:

Well, we're still writing. The Lord still has me writing, like I told you that I have a whole other series that he we're revving up to get ready to do. He has more projects in regards to the children's books that he wants me to put out. I just, I just know writing he's. I'm learning about my different giftings because I never knew about that. I'm learning about the different anointings and stuff like that that you know that the Holy Spirit does place their point. You, like I learned that I have a scribal anointing. I didn't even, I didn't even know what that was before. You know, before this whole thing.

Michelle Hall:

So can you say that again you have a what anointing Scribble. You know write, oh okay.

Le'Keshia Atchison:

Yes, ma'am, and you know, and I didn't know, I didn't even know that existed. So I'm just really really in this, this pool or or a lake of knowledge that the Holy Spirit has allowed me to jump in, and I'm just, I'm getting it all now. I'm getting 38 years worth of knowledge that I should have gotten. So, now that I can be his, his earthly vessel here on earth, speaking the truth and standing in my transparency and letting people know that, even though I've gone through what I've gone through, he can help, heal and deliver you to, as long as you trust in, you, believe in him and you walk this thing out with him, step by step, day by day, and continuously growing and building your faith. Period.

Michelle Hall:

Okay, so I have a question about your spoken word. Do you perform live?

Le'Keshia Atchison:

I have done virtual, I have not done it like on stage. Yet he is getting me up today. It's a work in progress because it's, you know, once you, once you've been shamed and you've felt guilt and stuff like that, it's it's hard to kind of get back onto the horse and present yourself in front of people again. So all of this, everything of what you're seeing right now is, is nothing but the Holy Spirit, because I wouldn't do it myself, I would not Like, I know I wouldn't.

Michelle Hall:

So yeah, Well, I can understand that, because without the Holy Spirit I would not be doing this podcast. So I know it is part of my work for for the kingdom, so I'm being obedient to that call. If you can share with my listeners where they can find your, your work, your books, your your website, where they can go check out your information.

Le'Keshia Atchison:

Yeah, my books are on Amazon and I mean, yeah, on Amazon, under I am creative words, I is capitalized, am is capitalized, the C in creative is capitalized and the W in words is capitalized. You can also go on my website I am creative words. Slash my Canva site, we'll have the link for you. Yeah, I have Instagram I am creative words and my Facebook is LaQuaqia Atchison slash I am creative words.

Michelle Hall:

So Okay, one final question. If you could give any word of advice to a woman who has experienced childhood sexual abuse and is struggling with dealing with that, what, what would you tell her?

Le'Keshia Atchison:

Oh my gosh, I would tell her Don't quit, don't give up. You may think you by yourself, you may think you are alone. Even if you in a room by yourself, you ain't, you're not alone. Abba, father, is with you. The Holy spirit resides in you and Jesus Christ is with you. Don't you ever, ever, ever forget it, don't you ever forget it.

Le'Keshia Atchison:

And you stand on that, right there, that you not alone, that you, you can get through this, as long as you trust Jesus and you just obey his instructions, obey what the Holy spirit is telling you is going to be rough, it's going to be hard, especially when you, you, you haven't felt love, when you haven't, you haven't had those holes feel, and you try to feel those those holes yourself. It's going to be hard to relinquish that control, to relinquish that pride, to to open yourself up completely and to just have yourself bare chested. It's going to be hard, but you can do it. You can do it and just believe that it's you. I promise you, I did it. You can do it too, I promise. I promise you.

Michelle Hall:

All right. Well, that is a great word to end on. I want to say thank you for being on the show and for being so open and so vulnerable and transparent with your story, and I'm going to put all of your information, like I said, in in the show notes and I wish you the very best with your, with your books. I am going to bookmark your site so I can check up on you and see how things are going. And thanks again for being on the show.

Le'Keshia Atchison:

Yes, ma'am, can I add one more thing? You can, as in complete transparency. Prior to my marriage, I had slept with 102 people. I know their names, I know every single thing 102 people. That was prior to my marriage. My marriage was 103. And that's why I said it had to stop. I knew it had to stop, I didn't, I just didn't know how to do it. So that's why, that's why I'm saying to you I know it's hard, I know it is, it's lust generation. You don't even really know all of what you're battling until the Holy Spirit reveals it to you. But let Him reveal it to you. That's it. That's it. That's all I wanted to say.

Michelle Hall:

That's all All right, thank you. Thank you so much. Yes, ma'am, yes, ma'am, thank you for joining me on this episode of Broken to Blessed. Subscribe to the podcast and share it with all of your sister girlfriends. This podcast may be the catalyst to their healing journey. And remember life can get better. You just have to do the work. God bless.

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