Broken to Blessed

Embracing Life's Wake-Up Calls: A Path to Holistic Harmony

March 27, 2024 Michelle Hall Season 2 Episode 33

When my own health scare struck like a bolt from the blue, it became a clarion call to reassess life's priorities. This episode is a candid sharing of that journey, an invitation to explore how a scare is more than just a challenge—it's a spotlight on the often-neglected areas of physical and financial health. As a Christian life coach, I'm dedicated to nurturing the complete being, and I'm bringing that mission to you. We'll journey together through the profound insights gained from my experience and discuss how these lessons have reshaped my approach to personal development, ensuring that the programs I design for my clients are as comprehensive as they are transformative.

The fleeting nature of existence, the realization that our days are numbered and our moments precious, brings a sharpness to our focus. In this conversation, I delve into the essence of living in the present, fostering mindfulness and gratitude, and the continued commitment to personal and communal improvement. This episode goes beyond simple self-care; it's a tribute to the resilience we all possess and a celebration of the steps we can take toward empowerment. Join me, Michelle Hall, as we honor this journey from Broken to Blessed, and remember to share this beacon of hope with someone who might just be waiting for a sign to start their own transformation.

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Michelle Hall:

My focus has been on helping survivors claim their true identity and build their self-esteem and worth, and that is, no doubt, very important. But a recent experience that I've had got me thinking about what I'm doing now and how I can better help them by incorporating a more holistic approach for transformation. Stay tuned to find out more. I am Michelle Hall, a Christian life coach, and the host of Broken to Blessed, a podcast designed for women survivors of childhood sexual abuse, where the goal is to empower, encourage and inspire women survivors who are on their healing journey to keep on going Healing as possible. I know that is true because I am a survivor and I've done it, and I'm here to help you do the same. Hello, esteemed ones, and thank you for joining me for today's episode of Broken to Blessed. I want to talk about how a recent experience that I had had me thinking about how I can better serve the women who come into my program. Instead of just focusing on identity and rebuilding self-esteem and self-worth, why not take a holistic approach and look at mind, body and spirit? The experience that I'm referring to is a health issue that I became aware of not very long ago, and I'm not going to go into details or specifics right now, but I do want you to know that it was critical for me. It was something that really gave me a wake-up call regarding my physical health. Now, I've mentioned several times before how I've done a lot of inner work related to my past traumas and hardships. I've done a lot of emotional, mental and spiritual work to get me to a place of peace and a place of joy. I have been able to develop a clear sense of identity as far as who I am as a child of God and what I am deserving and worthy of in this lifetime. But what I did not do is take the best care of my physical self, and that became very evident to me here recently. I have had a lot of changes in my life over the past six or seven months, some major life changes, such as leaving a full-time job to become a full-time self-employed entrepreneur and several other things, and, simply put, I was not on top of some medical and physical conditions that I knew I should have been. Well, it caught up to me and scared the crap out of me and it just gave me a whole different perspective on how I need to incorporate a holistic approach for myself and take care of not just my mental, emotional and spiritual well-being, but also my physical well-being. A holistic approach for me would include financial well-being also, because the cost of not maintaining my physical well-being is costing me money that I would not have to pay out if I had done a better job of taking care of my physical and medical self.

Michelle Hall:

I have a background in accounting, budget and audit, so that's something natural that comes to mind. Managing money and financial well-being is a part of my everyday life. So, instead of just looking at one aspect of our lives, why not look at our whole self Again mind, body, spirit and take care of all facets of ourselves? That is something that I am reviewing and working through in my own life and making changes to better care for me, my physical self. Now, it's not that we don't know how to take care of things from a physical perspective. Let's just be real. We know how to go to YouTube University and Google. com, where we can find a wealth of information to help us improve our overall physical health, right. Meal plans, exercise videos and routines the whole nine. So it's not because of a lack of information that I neglected my physical health. It was largely at least for me, a lack of planning and implementation but I have to do a better job at that and implementation but I have to do a better job at that. And there are studies that indicate if you're having problems in one area of life, it is likely affecting other areas of your life as well. So I'm looking at how I can incorporate a holistic approach to include emotional, mental, spiritual, physical and financial into my personal development programs so that clients can work on their entire selves. That is so important for us to do. I don't know what that looks like yet, but I'm working on it. I took very good care intentional care of my emotional, spiritual and mental well-being, but the truth of the matter is that I did not take care of my physical temple, and that is something that I have to work out with God and make the necessary changes for improvements, and I want to help my clients avoid this in their lives. I want them to be whole throughout the different areas of their lives.

Michelle Hall:

Hey, I want to remind you about the upcoming Survivors Ball on April 27, 2024. This is a virtual event so you can attend from anywhere. This ball was created specifically for women survivors of sexual abuse. April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month, and what better time to hold this event in recognition of the women who have been through this exact thing. It is to recognize the struggle that comes with being sexually abused and to celebrate the resilience, courage and strength that each survivor has within to overcome and heal. It's an event like none other, and I want to see your faith in the place. For more information, click the link to the registration page in the show notes.

Michelle Hall:

So as time moves on, you will see additional content coming, because I am looking at new products and services that will incorporate a more holistic approach, including physical and financial, and as I move forward on my journey of healing and restoring my physical body and learning more, I will be incorporating new content into the podcast and into my programs. I want to help my clients be better for themselves. So just a quick word about financial well-being and how it fits into this. I am aware of how childhood trauma can affect our financial well-being. I actually did a podcast episode a little while back talking about the correlation between childhood trauma and money management. It was very enlightening and it started some conversations where people had not even considered how or why or what. The correlation is One of the biggest things that can be a detriment to our financial well-being as adults who experience childhood trauma is by soothing through shopping.

Michelle Hall:

Soothing ourselves, making ourselves feel good by shopping and I know we, as ladies, like to shop in general, but have you ever really considered why you like to shop and what you're feeling when you're shopping and how it makes you feel once you make the purchase? I'll do more episodes in the future on this, as we talk about the physical and financial aspects of healing, along with healing self-esteem and restoring self-worth and claiming identity. All of those things are important and I feel it impressed upon my heart to work on these things for myself and for my clients. I don't know exactly what it's going to look like, as I said before, as I incorporate these things into my programs, but that is something that I truly, truly want to do and am figuring out the best way to do it. So that's what I have for you today, because we don't ever really know what our future holds right.

Michelle Hall:

The experience that I had really woke me up and enlightened me as to how quickly things can change in our lives. You know it can change in an instant and, honestly, that's what it's done for me. So I want to be mindful of that experience and I believe that God was giving me a warning, and I'm thankful that it was a warning and not the end, because it gives me the chance to make things different and better, and not just for me, but for those I serve Until next time, but for those I serve, until next time. Thank you for joining me on this episode of Broken to Blessed. Subscribe to the podcast and share it with all of your sister girlfriends. This podcast may be the catalyst to their healing journey. And remember life can get better. You just have to do the work. God bless.

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