Broken to Blessed

A Stand for Sexual Assault Awareness Month and Child Abuse Prevention Month

April 03, 2024 Michelle Hall Season 2 Episode 34

Navigating the path from pain to empowerment takes courage and community, something I understand intimately as a survivor and Christian Life Coach. This month's episodes of Broken to Blessed are dedicated to raising awareness around Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM), National Child Abuse Prevention Month, and National Financial Literacy Month. I'm Michelle Hall, and I'm inviting you on a powerful journey that intertwines the significance of the teal ribbon with the preventative measures against child abuse and the importance of financial literacy in healing.

During our discussions, we'll explore the deep historical roots of SAAM and the intertwining relationship between sexual and child abuse prevention. Expect heartfelt stories, educational insights, and a call to action as we don teal and blue in solidarity. Moreover, we'll examine how financial well-being contributes to a holistic healing process and why financial literacy is essential for survivors. As we illuminate these interconnected issues, our collective voice grows stronger—join us as we transform awareness into action and tragedy into triumph.

Survivor's Declaration

The EsteemedShop Inspirational and Faith-based t-shirts and other merchandise


My Facebook Page


Facebook Group The Esteemed Ones

Journey to Freedom Questionnaire

Michelle Hall:

It is April and it is Sexual Assault Awareness Month. I refer to that as SAAM, s-a-a-m and The Esteemed Life has quite a bit of things going on in recognition and support of this very important initiative. April is also National Child Abuse Prevention Month and National Financial Literacy Month. There's a lot going on in April. Y'all Stay tuned to see what The Esteemed Life has in support of each of these initiatives. I am Michelle Hall, Christian Life Coach and the host of Broken to Blessed, a podcast designed for women survivors of childhood sexual abuse, where the goal is to empower, encourage and inspire women survivors who are on their healing journey to keep on going. Healing is possible. I know that to be true because I am a survivor and I have done it, and I'm here to help you do the same. Hello, esteemed ones, and thank you for joining me today for this episode of Broken to Blessed. This is the first Wednesday in April and this episode is all about Sexual Assault Awareness Month, or SAM, and what events and activities the esteemed life have planned to support this very important Awareness Month.

Michelle Hall:

According to the National Sexual Violence Resource Center, April of 2024 is officially the 23rd year of recognition of Sexual Assault Awareness Month and, according to their website, I quote even before its official declaration, SAAM was about both awareness and prevention of sexual assault, harassment and abuse. Looking at the history of the movement to end sexual violence, it's clear why: One it's impossible to prevent an issue no one knows about. And two, it's difficult to make people aware of a problem without providing a solution. The two work in tandem and they always have. From the Civil Rights Movement to the founding of the first rape crisis centers, to national legislation and beyond, the roots of SAAM runs deep. End quote. SAAM is represented by the familiar awareness ribbon and its color is teal.

Michelle Hall:

April is also National Childhood Prevention Month. Prevent Child Abuse America is the nation's oldest and largest organization committed to preventing child abuse and neglect before it happens. We promote programs and resources informed by science that enables kids, families and entire communities to thrive today, tomorrow and for generations to come. Tomorrow and for generations to come. End quote. To heighten public awareness of Child Abuse Prevention Month. You may have seen their iconic blue and silver pinwheels throughout the month of April If you haven't take a conscious look when you're driving by elementary schools or child care centers or any type of resource center that caters to children. They are typically all over. They're probably out now and will be out throughout the month of April. National Child Abuse Prevention Month is represented with the color blue. If you want to show support for child abuse prevention, they have designated April 5th as Wear Blue Day and you can dress in blue to stand in solidarity with the child abuse prevention efforts. And I encourage you to take your support to social media. You can do that by posting a picture of yourself wearing blue with #WearBlueDay2024 to join the nationwide wave of support to prevent childhood abuse.

Michelle Hall:

Now, it's very interesting that these two initiatives are in the same month, because child abuse includes sexual abuse and Sexual Assault Awareness Month, of course, covers anyone who has been a victim of sexual assault, harassment or abuse, so that's very key and very relevant to the work that I do here at the Esteemed Life, as I work with women survivors of childhood sexual abuse, which is why I wanted to recognize National Child Abuse Prevention Month. Now my focus will primarily be, of course, on SAAM, because of the women that I serve, but keep in mind that the more work that is done to prevent child abuse, the fewer victim survivors there will be in adulthood. In my last episode, I talked about a more holistic approach to the work that I do with women survivors, and that included financial well-being. And so, as if April isn't busy enough with SAM and Child Abuse Prevention Month, April is also National Financial Literacy Month. This was designated by US legislatures back in 2003. Now, clearly, that doesn't directly correlate with sexual assault awareness and child abuse prevention, but I am moving to a more holistic approach in my programs, so I have to mention this recognition month too. Plus, my accounting background just will not let me ignore it, so I will be providing some information on financial literacy and how it correlates with healing sexual assault and abuse.

Michelle Hall:

So I want to talk more about what The Esteemed Life has in store for the month of April and Sexual Assault Awareness Month support efforts. First up, I have created a Survivor's Declaration for the survivors of sexual abuse. It is a declaration that you can print and perhaps laminate and post somewhere in your home or your office where you can look at those affirmations and remind yourself of your strength, your resilience and the struggle that you have been through and hopefully have overcome or is working to overcome. You can download your free Survivor's Declaration at the link in the show notes. Another thing that The Esteemed Life is doing is selling t-shirts in The Esteemed Shop for survivors and supporters of sexual abuse survivors. There are five designs that you can choose from, and a portion of each sale of the shirts and the Sexual Assault Awareness Month collection will be donated to a charity that supports sexual assault and abuse victims. The link to the Esteemed Shop is also in the show notes or you can go directly to www. theesteemedshop. com and find those shirts. They are featured on the store's homepage.

Michelle Hall:

The next thing that The Esteemed Life is doing is social media posts on Facebook and Instagram with various tips, nuggets of information. With various tips, nuggets of information, inspiration and awareness to help bring attention to this very important issue. So I have my campaign laid out and I will be posting on each platform. I will be inside my Facebook group sharing information in there too, doing whatever I can to bring awareness to how pervasive sexual assault is throughout this country. The other thing that The Esteemed Life is doing is putting on a survivor's ball. This you guys, I am so excited about.

Michelle Hall:

It is a virtual event that is taking place on April 27th at 6 pm Eastern Standard Time. The website for this event is also in the show notes. Please pop over to the event website and see all that we have in store. You can see who is on the program as our speakers. You can get a look at the schedule. You can find out about the Survivors Declaration and about the t-shirts as well. But check this out.

Michelle Hall:

This event is not only for survivors, but it is for those who support and advocate for sexual assault survivors and the changes that need to be made to reduce sexual assault. So even if you're not a survivor, you can support them by participating with them. Please, please, please, check it out. It's going to be a lot of fun. We're going to have a virtual fashion show where women get to show off their outfits for the evening. Even though it's not in person, we want it to be a lot of fun for the participants. We want you to dress up and we're going to have music so they'll be dancing. We'll have a virtual toast so you can celebrate yourself. Consider it a night out without having to go out. I'm looking forward to that.

Michelle Hall:

I am so excited to be bringing this event to you, for you. That is, at the end of the month to culminate all of the efforts that the esteemed life is putting forward throughout the month of April to support sexual assault survivors. You guys, I am already tired and it's only April 3rd. There is so much to get done, so much information to get out and so much planning to do to make sure that everything goes well and that I put on the best virtual event for you that I possibly can, and be aware that with your registration for the ball comes some swag. There'll be more information about that later in this month. But, yes, every registration will get a swag kit mailed out to you with some goodies in it so that you can have it as part of the experience of the first annual Survivors Ball virtual event.

Michelle Hall:

Join me on Facebook and Instagram. All my social media information is in the show notes. I encourage you to follow me, join my Facebook group and to engage with the posts regarding Sexual Assault Awareness Month. Also, tag me when posting on your socials to bring awareness to this important issue and use # SAAM 2024. Who knows, you just may get selected to receive a gift or prize for tagging me in your posts.

Michelle Hall:

I also want to see you guys tag me on social if you wear blue for Child Abuse Prevention Month, Child Abuse Prevention Day, wear blue day, which is Friday, April 5th. I'm going to have on my blue because, hey, blue just so happened to be my favorite color. But I'm going to have on my blue in support of child abuse prevention and I'm going to be posting, and I would love it if you would tag me in your post for wearing blue and use hashtag #Wear BlueD ay 2024. That's a wrap for today, y'all. I will see you guys on social media and at the Survivors Ball. Until next time. Thank you for joining me on this episode of Broken to Blessed. Thank you for joining me on this episode of Broken to Blessed. Subscribe to the podcast and share it with all of your sister girlfriends. This podcast may be the catalyst to their healing journey. And remember life can get better. You just have to do the work. God bless.

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