Broken to Blessed

The Unfolding Chapter: A Journey Through Renewal and Empowerment

April 25, 2024 Michelle Hall Season 2 Episode 36

Have you ever faced a moment where you had to hit pause on a cherished project, only to emerge with a renewed vision? That's precisely what we explore in this episode as I, Michelle Hall, share the journey of Broken to Blessed and the Esteemed Life's next chapters. The Survivor's Ball may be postponed, but it's a strategic step to ensure its future success. Meanwhile, the Esteemed Shop is blossoming with fresh products that blend faith, art, and summer joy—all extending an invitation to inspire and uplift.

Change is afoot and it's brimming with possibilities! As your Christian Life Coach, I'm thrilled to guide you through these exciting shifts, from the transformation of the Esteem Shop's offerings to the reimagined focus of our beloved community. This episode isn't just about what's new; it's about our collective resilience and the unwavering commitment to support sexual assault survivors. Together, we're crafting a space that honors healing and empowerment, striking a balance that resonates with every woman seeking growth and inspiration. Join us as we embrace this transformative journey, for when one chapter closes, another beckons with open arms.

Survivor's Declaration

The EsteemedShop Inspirational and Faith-based t-shirts and other merchandise


My Facebook Page


Facebook Group The Esteemed Ones

Journey to Freedom Questionnaire

Michelle Hall:

Have you ever had a time in your life when you needed to start over, revamp or regroup? Well, today is an update show and I've got news for you about the Survivor's Ball, the Esteemed Shop, and my overall business. Things are changing y'all. Stick around to see what it's all about. I'm Michelle Hall, Christian Life Coach and the host of Broken to Blessed, a podcast designed for women survivors of childhood sexual abuse, where the goal is to empower, encourage and inspire women survivors who are on their healing journey to keep on going. Healing is possible. I know that to be true because I am a survivor and I've done it, and I'm here to help you do the same. Hello, esteemed ones, and welcome to this episode of Broken to Blessed. I'm excited about this episode as I have several updates for you so that you guys know what's going on and what is coming up for the esteemed life, which is the parent company of Broken to Blessed, and later in the episode I have an update on the podcast. So let's get into it.

Michelle Hall:

The podcast, so let's get into it. First of all, I want to let you know that the Survivor's Ball that I had scheduled for this upcoming Saturday, April 27th, has been canceled, but do not fear, it is all good, because it will be back on the calendar at a future time. This was simply not the best time to do it, so I made the very important decision to cancel this event that was originally scheduled for this Saturday, April 27th. If you are not on my mailing list, please join so you can get updates on when this event is back on the schedule, because I want everyone to be a part of it and I want you to be in the loop for when it comes around again. The link to join my email list is in the show notes.

Michelle Hall:

Number two, the Esteemed Shop, is the e-commerce side of The Esteemed Life, and it is an online store that I created to provide inspirational and faith-based products to not only women who are associated with me through coaching, mentoring and the podcast, but to anyone in the community at large who wants this type of product. So far, I have only offered t-shirts, but over the next several weeks and months, I'm going to be making changes to the shop to incorporate more and different products. I want to include some art, perhaps some tote bags, water bottles and some things for summer, some fun things for summer. I got some things in the works and I want you to stay tuned for that. I want you to be right here so you can see all of the new products that are coming out and the changes that are going to be made in the store. In the meantime, pop on over to the store at www. theesteemedshop. com and check out the Mother's Day shirts. And check out the Mother's Day shirts Also.

Michelle Hall:

With April being Sexual Assault Awareness Month, I have a collection of shirts for this month that are still available until the end of April. As I said in the beginning of April, I will be donating 10% of the proceeds from the sale of those shirts to a charity that supports sexual assault survivors. Again, that's www. theesteemshop. com. Check out what's over there. There are a variety of other shirts, shirts on self-love, there's shirts in the Black History Collection, and I am working on a line of children's shirts which is new for me that are so stinking cute. You guys, you are going to want to get these shirts for your little ones or your grandkids. They are the most adorable shirts with beautiful characters baby characters, baby animals and I'm really looking forward to getting that line out and available for sale. So that's what's going on with the esteemed shop, the e-commerce portion of the esteemed life.

Michelle Hall:

Next up, I'm making changes to my business model and that will entail a change to my target audience, or will it? Well, maybe. Let me say that sexual assault survivors are very near and dear to my heart and I will always be supportive of this population. Sexual abuse is a part of my life experience and I know the effects that it has on women. That will never change, but that will not be the forefront and the focus of the business. It will still be a part of the business because I know that some of the women that I will serve in the future will have this experience in their history. I will be focusing on helping women leaders overcome adversities in their lives despite their professional success.

Michelle Hall:

You know, women who are in leadership often put all of their time, or the majority of their time and effort, into others, whether it's for the company they work for as they try to climb the corporate ladder, or it could be pouring into their own business. And then they may also have to pour into their families if they have children or if they have spouses. You know, women in general tend to nurture and take care of others. Naturally, that's how God wired us, and there are a lot of women professionals who are killing it in the workplace, but they are pouring from an empty cup and they need help. I'm going to focus on that because my core premise here at The Esteemed Life is to help women grow in their personal development, and what I have come to learn is that for me, that equates to helping women get to know themselves well. Self-awareness, and then self-love and self-care, so they can build a life in which they are thriving in not just existing and really being able to put themselves first so they can serve those around them better. It may sound easy, but how many of you can relate to that specific situation where you go so hard for everyone else but you don't get what you need? You don't have anyone going for you as hard as you're going for others, and the only way that's going to change is if you change it. And so that's just a sneak peek into what I am putting my focus on here.

Michelle Hall:

Coming up in the very near future, you'll be seeing new social media content, including videos. Y'all probably already know, but I really don't like to post videos of myself, but it is something that I know that I need to do for this work and I am committed to doing it. Follow me on social media so you can be in the know. I'll have resources available such as free downloads and paid options, and I am working on a program to help women thrive. I'm really excited about that because I know that the Lord has purposed me to help women help themselves, and I'll be doing it in a variety of ways. That will include both biblical and practical methodologies. And that is the podcast. And while I'm making the transition into my new business model, season two of the podcast is coming to an end. This is the last episode of season two of Broken to Blessed. So as I'm revamping the business model, I'll be revamping the podcast as well, so that when I come back, the Broken to Bless podcast will be better than ever.

Michelle Hall:

I want to make it a valuable resource for women who feel as though they have focused their lives on so many other things and not on themselves, to where they have put themselves on the back burner and are feeling unfulfilled in their life. I want to help women make those changes to find the fulfillment that they desire. I want to see women thriving in their lives. You know, I did some market research recently by polling women over 40, not necessarily professional women, just women in general and I asked them what was going on in their lives at this time that made them unfulfilled. I did this in two women-only self-care Facebook groups and the response was overwhelming. The thing that stood out the most was there was a variety of answers, but the one thing the one answer by far was that they spent so many years and so much time on taking care of other people and they did not take care of themselves, and they were left unfulfilled as a result of that. And they were left unfulfilled as a result of that.

Michelle Hall:

These are women in their 40s, 50s and so on, and so, whether it was women who had poured into their children and their families and now their children are grown and out of the house, they're feeling lost, lonely and don't know what their purpose is at this stage in their lives, or some women who had been in long-term relationships were no longer in those relationships due to either divorce or the death or loss of a spouse, and they came to realize that they felt lost in their lives. And some women answered the survey indicating that they were unhappy in their careers, their marriage or their singleness. So I had married women who weren't happy in their marriages, and I had single women who were looking to be married. That's always a very interesting dynamic when we get into that. So, like I said, a lot of the answers went back to the women doing so much for others and realizing later in life that they had not poured into themselves, they didn't pursue some of the things they wanted to or they didn't take very good care of themselves, and they realized this in their 40s and 50s that they should have poured more into themselves, not necessarily neglecting the people and their lives that they took care of, but while taking care of others, they should have taken better care of themselves. I've been there myself and I'll talk more about that in the new season of the podcast.

Michelle Hall:

I am so very blessed that the Lord has allowed me to have a variety of life experiences. That gives me the opportunity to help women in many different areas of life. I didn't always think of some of these experiences as blessings, because some of them were not very easy to experience, but now I can see more clearly what the Lord was equipping me for so I'm going to use every bit of what I have been through to help others thrive. Follow me on social media so you will be informed about the happenings with The Esteemed Life. All of my social media handles are in the show notes. Until I return to these podcast streets, be blessed. Thank you for joining me on this episode of Broken to Blessed. Subscribe to the podcast and share it with all of your sister girlfriends. This podcast may be the catalyst to their healing journey. And remember life can get better. You just have to do the work. God bless, thank you.

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